Chase The Elephants Away Header

You know you are a good communicator. Then why
aren’t you seeing better results?

Discover the powerful stumbling block that silently sabotages every effort toward better communication … in 95% of all working environments!

Removing this invisible block (the block everyone is aware of and deliberately ignores) can stop the never-ending frustration of people who don’t hear your directions, don’t accept responsibility, and focus on petty issues instead.

We see it every single day — communication is at the core of everything that works well in a company and everything that does not. And yet, in most businesses and corporate cultures, when it’s time to go after mutual goals, despite all efforts at improved communication, things just do not go as well as we’d like.

Five Ways Senior Leaders Create an Unhealthy Culture

How often do you experience this kind of scenario? You have a great idea or a pressing matter to deal with and all you want is for your team to go full speed ahead and come up with a solution?

But what happens?

Instead of having a committed team that takes ownership and focuses on the tasks at hand, you find yourself resolving conflict. Instead of dealing with an energized group of people, you are faced with individuals that withdraw from the team effort and point fingers. Instead of being surrounded by energized, creative people, you are forced to deal with a disappointing lack of initiative and enthusiasm.

Worst of all — when you inquire, everyone beats around the bush.

No one wants to talk about the trivial, (or not so trivial!) issue that is powerfully present and at the same time skillfully avoided.

All you know is that it affects relationships and focus, and seriously impacts performance. You are helplessly watching tension and resentment build up quietly and kill all progress.

We are talking about the proverbial “elephant in the room”.

The failure to speak about work issues that are considered taboo-topics and that have such a strong influence on everyone’s motivation, actions, and sense of purpose.

Elephants can come in a variety of shapes and forms, and you’ve probably experienced quite a few of them: Hidden or even showcased favoritism for an individual or an entire department, a supervisor who always passes responsibility, a manager who lacks leadership qualities but throws his weight around, the issue of unfair compensation or a team member that constantly gets away with the most bizarre excuses.

“Chase the Elephants Away” and watch the amazing transformation that’ll take place around you.

Turn your communication from a barrier into a tool that’ll revolutionize the culture in your company and improve relationships on all levels.

What if you could go beyond typical communication strategies and tactics and uncover what really makes a difference in interacting with people?

How would you feel about a tool that helps you finally create an energized environment with a team of happy, efficient, and focused members that are also accountable, creative, and trusting individuals?

And how about a simple step-by-step plan that’s easy to follow, resonates with the people you talk to and creates amazing results?

Let the irritation of constant miscommunication become a thing of the past.

And no, contrary to popular belief, it’s not “normal” that communication problems arise on a regular basis and are something you have to be resigned to as an inevitable part of any project. You can avoid fighting hampered growth, negatively impacted relationships, delayed projects, high turnover, and endless frustration on both sides.

This program is unlike anything you’ve seen before.

It’s not fluff and big ideas, but a “cookbook approach” to solving problems using better communication.

Even if you had communication training before, this is an approach to communication that goes beyond the ordinary. You will see how well it works when

“As part of management team building, we believed that improved communications could greatly enhance our management team’s ability to execute. We hired the Incedo group to help us understand how we could better communicate with the varying management styles. After just two management team building sessions with Linda Finkle, we have learned tools and techniques that we are employing every day. Other employees are adopting these behaviors so that overall communications in the company has been enhanced!”
Fran Craig
Chair and CEO, Unanet
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The “Chase the Elephants Away” series includes:

4 part video that covers the 6 building blocks that make communication successful. Each video about thirty minutes long.

Module 1: Listen

Use listening to increase effective communication

In today’s business world we have multiple generations, each with their own style of communication. Companies are multicultural, with remote offices covering different time zones. Business today is handled through email, text, IM and phone. Face-to-face meetings are becoming less and less frequent. All of this and more complicates successful communication.

In Module 1 you will learn:

Module 2: Shift and Clarity

Using communication to get the results you want.

Communication can catapult you and your company beyond the competition in ways you can’t even imagine. We will continue in this module to build upon what you learned in module 1 and cover the next two communication skills outlined as steps 2 and 3 of the building blocks.

In Module 2 you will learn:

Module 3: Message

Crafting the right message for the right time.

The right message, said at the right time, with the right words and intentions will go a long way towards getting the result you want.  What make a message right or wrong isn’t so much that the other person is happy with the message as it is about what and how you are delivering it.  Knowing what to say, when to say it, how to say it and what gets in the way of successful messaging will give you the tools to craft a message that hits the mark.

In Module 3 you will learn:

Module 4: Negotiation

Creating Commitment & Accountability.

How do you achieve creating accountability in your organization?  While it’s not easy, it’s easier than you think. And wouldn’t it be nice to know in advance when someone wasn’t actually going to follow through?  

Here’s a hint, you will never create accountability if you don’t use the 6 building blocks as discussed in each of these modules.

In Module 4 you will learn:

Plus 3 Essential Bonuses a $1249 Value!

Bonus #1

Communication FAQ : $675 Value

Bonus #2

Success with Communication Library $375 value

Bonus #3

Communication ROI $199 Value

“Linda is terrific. Her focus on communication really pays off. We walked through several difficult conversations and how I could make my points effectively and expect results. She also taught me the important role active listening plays in effective communication. As a result, I am able to have really difficult conversations with my employees and both of us walk away feeling as if we have gained from the interchange. Linda can tackle any aspect of leadership. Together we worked through personnel issues, staff meetings, defining goals and expectations, managing up and managing employees. There is no doubt that my skill set as a manager and leader is both broader and better defined as a result of my working with her. “
Diane Mitchell
Deputy Director, Federal Agency

Packed with Tips, Advice and Practical Guidelines for Truly Effective Communication

“Chase the Elephants Away” teaches you to apply the strategies and psychology that help you overcome the biggest challenges in communication.

Don’t Wait.
Take Action Today!

…and experience an amazing transformation

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Frequently Asked Questions

Communication is the be-all and end-all of all work relations.  While other programs or products may focus on leadership or productivity issues it won’t matter much if your employees can’t communicate with each other effectively.

Since communication is at the core of everything that works or doesn’t in an organization having these basic communication skills will help you with leadership, productivity, employee performance, sales, hiring effectively and every other aspect of your business.

Many problems that you may now face (ineffective hiring, leadership issues, employee performance etc.) will simply go away or will improve tremendously with effective communication and other problems may never come up.

Would you rather spend your time playing defense and problem solving or offense and eliminating problems before they arise?

There is no other program out there like this one.  Even if you have had communication training before this provides a step-by-step approach to communication.  It’s not fluff and big ideas, it’s a cookbook approach to solving communication problems and eliminating others.  

If what you had tried before worked you wouldn’t be reading this…you obviously still need help.

It’s not just a communication training tool…it’s a leadership, planning, productivity and more all rolled into one.  When communication improves so does everything else. So you’re getting a huge bang for your investment

Once you purchase you have access to them forever.  So when a thorny situation occurs you can go back and find the section that deals with this.  Taking a course, even with handouts, doesn’t give you this opportunity.

What if you purchased one set for each of your teams and had them watch and use it to begin a conversation?  The content is a great conversation starter and a way to get people to think differently.

You make a small investment of money to insure you have something useful.  We offer workshops/training on this topic so if you want more all you have to do is ask and we’ll come on site to deliver a workshop customized to your needs. 

Contact me and we can discuss your needs and options.

Still not sure?

I want you to feel completely supported as you work through improving communications in your business and personal life.

That’s why “Chase the Elephants Away” is backed by my full 30-day guarantee. I want this to be the program that helps you to improve communications in your business and personal life. If after 30 days you can show me that you’ve gone through the program, implemented, and still haven’t experienced improved communication by practicing the techniques outlined in the product, I insist that you reach out to get 100% of your investment back.

Get Yourself the Ultimate Communication Tool Today!

And work in an “Elephant-free” environment

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