You are organized and develop plans and schedules for achieving goals which allows you to eliminate many problems before they arise, or minimally reduce the negative impact of unexpected situations or problems or problems.
By demeanor you are are straightforward, direct, fair, thoughtful, hopeful, loyal, compassionate, calm and inspirational.
Proactive leaders will benefit by working on:
1. Implementing their plan and constantly assessing what’s working and what isn’t.
2. Have the flexibility to make course correction as appropriate.
3. When things are going well or reasonably well it’s easy to overlook signs of potential problems, become over-confident about the status quo or not plan sufficiently for the big ‘what ifs’ that could cripple your business.
Because you as a proactive leader are strategic in your thinking and don’t wait for something to happen, you are constantly thinking about improving processes, employee performance, communication, culture and a whole host of other areas.
To help you get started we are giving you our Ebook titled “Just Follow Our Tracks – Leadership and Business” provides you ideas on building your leadership skills, managing stress and dealing with competing commitments and other topics you face every day.
Download the ebook and commit to taking one action or implementing one new idea every month that you can learn.
Building a personal leadership brand is not a competency that is often talked about, and it is not part of a capability discussed during performance reviews. It is more than having leadership presence…
Have you walked around the office and noticed that some people have an air of confidence to their walk, clarity to their conversation and a presence that motivates everyone in the room?
Good leadership includes decision-making but many times, the decisions required are not easy to make. There are many grey areas, pros and cons, and factors to consider when making decisions.