5 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management, is it possible?

Maybe, but you must set some guidelines for yourself that will direct you along the way. You must be organized and be able to prioritize your tasks. You have to devote time to work, family friends, and fun activities.  There is no one right strategy but here are some ideas to help improve your time management skills.

1. Take stock of what you have to do in the upcoming week.

Write down everything you need to do, complete, and handle throughout the week. Include both personal and professional items.

Then determine how much time you need for each activity. Plan on doing less than you think is reasonable. Everything takes longer than you think it will.

Allocate the time needed for each activity then stick to it. If you do not finish something in the allotted time move on to the next task. It’s the only way you can assess how much time an activity actually takes, and how to plan more effectively going forward.  

Don’t wait till the last minute to start.  Rushing to complete something adds unnecessary stress and the quality of your work is impacted.

2. Rate your activities by priority.

We spend a lot of time on important but not urgent activities (ex: email) and on easy tasks that don’t need to be handled now.  It makes us feel better to check things off the list. Yet those may not be the most important items.

What is most important and what is the least important on the list? What can be set aside if time does not permit? Answering these questions will help you plan.  

3. Plan your most difficult tasks for the morning hours.

The morning is when you are fresh and rested and you will think more clearly. Getting your difficult tasks behind you will prevent you from dreading the rest of your day. You will be more productive in the afternoon because your most difficult tasks are behind you.

4. Stay focused on what you are doing now.  

Always concentrate on the task you are doing at the time. Don’t look forward and worry about what you have left to do in the day.  

5. Always allow yourself time for family.

The old saying all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is true.  You will not be happy with yourself or your life if you don’t take time to relax and enjoy the people you love.

Putting your family, and the things you enjoy in life into your schedule as an afterthought, or ‘when you have time’  may help your scheduling, but it won’t help your relationships or you.

Looking for more ideas on time management?  Download our Time Management Checklist at the link below.

Time Management Checklist

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