Shrinking Vioets find it difficult to take responsibility or make decisions, and will yield to someone else’s preferences. You as a Shrinking violet communicator have a martyr-like attitude (victim mentality) and a refusal to try out initiatives, which might improve things. You often blame others for events and circumstances.
You don’t speak your mind or share your feelings, and are uncomfortable with others who do. Your motto would be “ avoid any situation that smells of conflict, or conversation whenever possible and hope it will go away”.
People who interface with you are often frustrated with your lack of decision making, your unwillingness to accept responsibility and your victim mentality.
Others around you don’t know what you want as you either won’t commit, or change your mind constantly. As a result they discount you, causing all sorts of problems with work being delayed or not handled correctly.
You need to step up and use your voice.
This means making decisions and accepting the responsibility for those decisions regardless of the outcome. Part of your growth will come when you accept that there are other alternatives and stop allowing yourself to feel and act like a victim. While avoiding conflict may feel easier, it creates the exact situation you are most afraid of which is conflict. Learn the skills of conflict resolution.
You first step is to learn to use your voice and step into your own power.
Not only will it help you feel more in control and less like a victim, you will be able to confront difficult situations and make decisions more comfortably.
To help you get started we are giving you our ebook “Just Follow Our Tracks – Leadership & Business” which includes tips how to be courageous, dealing with competing priorities, using the “F” word, and more.
Go through it and read the chapters that resonate with you immediately and commit to taking action in one of those areas today, and every month till you feel the changes.
Communicating effectively is a skill every single one of us could improve. It’s not so challenging to communicate when everything is hunky dory and we are talking about good things and outcomes.
Leaders are constantly dealing with problems both inside and outside the company. Communication challenges are often at the root of many problems, thus leaders who invest their time to develop effective communication skills will have an easier path when facing problems.
Do you think leaders are born with courage and confidence and maybe even believe that they wouldn’t be leaders if they didn’t have this? If you think this you would be dead wrong. No one is born with confidence, both nurture and nature play a factor. The same is true for courage.