How Do You Help CEOs Deliver Tough Conversations
In this video, Linda Finkle is asked by Dean Newland host of the Business of Intuition Podcast, how do you help a CEO become better
If you’re not getting the results you want then it may be time to look at your communication.
Linda’s compiled her decades of experience into the tips and resources on this page to help you take a quantum leap in your ability to communicate and motivate.
This business communication resource page has been created to provide you with help in improving your communication. It provides real world examples of where communication impacted the results that leaders were getting, and explanations on what these leaders did to improve the results, have fewer problems, and less drama.
We have divided the resource page into five sections, each building on the section before. You’ll find tools, ideas, and help throughout each section.
Have a situation where you need help with your communication skills?
In this section, you will find quizzes, guides, and checklists to help you navigate through them with ease.
A great way to start developing your communication skills is to first understand what type of communicator you are now.
Take the Communication Quiz and learn your communication style, how your style is affecting (good and not so good) results you are having with your team and others.
We’ll send you the report which includes ideas on where to start developing specific skills.
When work is frustrating, schedules are tight, deadlines are looming stress is going to happen. Plus there are many more situations in today’s work environment due to working remotely and so on…
Download our 7 Communication Skills to Stop Stress in its Tracks guidebook to learn how to use communication as an anecdote to frustration and stress.
Successful interviews don’t just happen. It requires skills and keen to detail in choosing for the right person. If you are having a hard time doing the interview, let us help you with that.
Download The Art and Science of Interviewing and discover the artistic way of handling interviews..
Not only are your employees the most valuable asset, they are the hardest to replace.
The secret begins with learning how to identify the right people during the interview process, not just those who can perform well today, but those who have potential, who fit your corporate culture and have the personal attributes you desire.
Download Assessing the Value of Assessments and learn how to maker better decisions in choosing candidates that you can build to be extraordinary.
They are uncomfortable and we know that you’d prefer to not have them at all. However it situations arise where you and others in your company will have to have them.
We’ve developed this guide designed to help you learn how to make them less painful.
Download our Making Difficult Conversations Easy Checklist and learn what to do and when so that having these conversations can be productive and less stressful for everyone involved.
Taking a bit of time before having a difficult conversation will help you get the outcome you want, with as little drama and emotion as possible.
Use this checklist to gain clarity on the issue, its significance and the implication if it is not resolved and the outcome you want.
Difficult conversations are often unavoidable.
However there are times where they can be avoided, or the impact minimized if we focus on dealing with them before they become an explosive situation. Hoping it won’t be that bad or crossing your fingers is not a strategy.
This guide will help you know what to say in advance so that you know how to deal with these situations BEFORE they get out of hand.
There is a way to manage them the healthy way and avoid eliminating the stress, the drama and sleepless nights.
Learn how to what not to do when conflict occurs and how to prevent conflict from happening again and again..
Download our Conflict Resolution Checklist and learn what the healthy and unhealthy ways of handling conflicts are.
In this video, Linda Finkle is asked by Dean Newland host of the Business of Intuition Podcast, how do you help a CEO become better
In this video, Linda Finkle is asked by Dean Newland the host of the Business of Intuition Podcast, how do show my team that I
When I talk to leaders and mention the concept of mastering small talk, I usually get the same response. “I’m busy, Linda, and don’t have