Customer service, or ‘the customer experience’ is aimed at customers having positive touch points with the company from whom they are purchasing goods or services. For years analysts and researchers have studied customer engagement with emphasis on variables such as employee selection, training, and service culture.
Despite all the data analysis and information, these variables while important haven’t proven to have any meaningful improvements in customer experience over time. There’s a missing ingredient that eludes many companies.
The same data used to analyze what impacts the customer experience shows that a memorable customer experience creates positive word of mouth conversations. At the same time this positive experience often drives customer decisions as much and frequently more often than price and functionality.
If we know this what’s the magical ingredient missing? Why aren’t more companies focusing on understanding this and using it to their competitive advantage, especially when you aren’t the low priced spread?
When you think of your most memorable experience as a customer what comes to mind? This topic is so near and dear to me I have asked hundreds of people this question. And while I’m not surprised at the answers you may be.
I heard language such as: They made me feel like they would handle my situation, I felt taken care of, They didn’t argue with me, I wasn’t told company policy is…, They made it simple to work with them, They really cared, Solutions were offered, I felt like I could trust them, They showed genuine interest, Really cared, They owned the problem…and the list goes on.
The common theme here is emotion. Each interaction that was memorable had the individual feeling connected to the company in a positive way, because the company connected to them at a human, heartfelt level. That is the magic! Making people feel like you care, not because it’s company policy or because you think it will result in a future sale but simply because it’s the right thing to do.
There is nothing more important to human beings than to feel understood, cared for and connected.
Think about how you make buying decisions. Price and features are certainly a consideration. But they aren’t the only considerations or maybe even the primary ones. I use Angie’s list when I have a need for a service and don’t have referrals from friends or neighbors. I’ve had consistently good experiences with using vendors on their list. What I like about using Angie’s list is I can see customer reviews for prices, quality, punctuality, professionalism and responsiveness. It shows me the total number of reviews and the ratings (A through F) in each category. I can read the reviews to determine what service was performed (a repair being different than a new installation for instance).
After reviewing this information I make a decision on who to call. Then my personal experience with them is as much a factor in my buying decision as the price. That human connection is critical. The feeling that I am important and should I ever have a problem they will be there…that’s the magic.
Years ago we built a house in the mountains of West Virginia. We met with a number of builders. One of my concerns was how problems would get handled since we were several hours drive from the location. I asked this question of all the builders we interviewed. Dave, the guy we ultimately hired said “You won’t know about problems because I will simply take care of them. And if there is something you need to decide or be aware of I’ll call”. I wanted to jump across the desk and kiss him.
Throughout the building process he was true to his word. There were situations he called us about, but not many. Even two years after the house was complete I could call Dave to handle a problem, though we were long past the warranty period. That is a memorable customer experience!
Memorable customer experiences are no accident, good or not so good.
If you want those experiences to be memorable, emotion is key, that’s where the magic happens. Take a look at our Customer Service Presence Guide, it will help you master the experience.