ProScan® for
Hiring and Retention

Hire the Right Candidates, Weed Out the Misfits and Improve Staff Retention
Have you ever wondered why a candidate, who looked so good on paper, is now your biggest headache?
His resume and references were nothing short of amazing. The interview was great; he answered all questions well without a hint of arrogance. Even your team liked him.
Clearly, he’s a perfect fit for your company.
A few months in, this perfect employee is not living up to expectations. You can’t understand each other and now you’re wondering if you hired the same person or an evil doppelgangers.
After a year of desperately trying to mold him to work well with your team, he resigns after receiving a job offer from your competitor.
You paid for his training, but another company will reap the benefits.
This classic hiring failure happens a lot.
But what if the employee stays? What if you unknowingly hire dozens more like him? That’s gonna be a nightmare. Ironically though, this is normally what happens for many organizations:
- Employees are hired under incorrect beliefs about their role, so their career dies a slow agonizing death, while the boss suffers the drastic consequences working with the wrong people.
- Talented employees are hired but are not given the chance to grow or show off their skills because their working and communication style doesn’t jive with the rest of the team. And of course, their boss can’t get a handle on them.
- You hire a new employee and they aren’t given the time and training necessary to ensure high performance. At six months you aren’t enamored with them and are constantly expressing your displeasure with their performance. No one is happy but you are so busy you settle rather than take action to change this situation.
Hiring the wrong people or putting people in the wrong jobs or environment are both costly mistakes
How can you solve this? How can you get to know someone well enough to see if they can work well with you and your team? More importantly, how can you do this for current employees?

ProScan® gives You the Power to Know All so You can Hire Right and Manage Right, the First Time
Say goodbye to costly hiring mistakes, lost talent and under performers. Knowledge is power and ProScan® gives you all that Power in an easy-to-implement report.
Don’t be duped by shiny resumes and glowing references—See past all the BS and possibly exaggerated answers job applicants give during interviews. Have the power to look past the resume and understand who they really are so you don’t end up with a lazy, overcompensated employee.
No more confusing conversations—Discover how each employee (even the new hires) communicates and reacts to difficult situations. Armed with ProScan® results, you don’t have to sit around all day wondering and hoping that your team actually understood the instructions given.
The remedy for slow-days and out-of-sorts employees– No one is perfect, even employees who normally bring their A-game to work have bad days. ProScan® helps you identify the stress triggers and energy drainers of employees so you can help them get back on their feet as soon as possible.
Minimize turnover by creating a career plan and work environment they can’t resist– Give employees the opportunities and growth they’re looking for by developing a career plan that focuses on their core strengths and preferred role in an organization. By doing this, you’re giving employees a reason to work harder and a future job title to strive for—two things that prevent many employees from seeking a job elsewhere.
Hire people for the right position— Find out if an applicant will do great for a specific position before you hire him! ProScan® gives you the power to discover the natural talents, stress capacity and inclinations of job applicants, so you can determine if they can keep up with the culture.
We know there’s no such thing as a perfect employee, but we know there is a perfect match—a perfect match for the job and your organization. ProScan® is the tool to help you find that perfect match so you don’t have to spend hundreds in recruiting costs and employee wages in a time consuming trial-and-error process.
See what these people have to say after using ProScan®
We initially engaged Linda to help make a successful transition off of our current team at the time and form a new team of our own. In preparation for this transition, she helped us develop our new team structure and roles by diving into our SWOT analysis, business plan and goals.
The combination of these has led to an amazing relationship that neither of us would give up for the world. We continue to work with Linda to help us take our business to the next level.
I have been working with Ms. Linda Finkle for about 3 months and all I can say is WOW!! In my role as an HR Director for the Federal Government, I am often faced with challenging and difficult situations on a daily basis. Linda has provided me with the tools, and real life options needed to deal with these challenges.
Linda has a fresh, no nonsense approach that is helpful and informative. She doesn’t necessarily provide answers but she provides perspective which helps you find the right solutions to most situations. Her approaches to communication and the nuances involved are invaluable and useful not just in my professional life but my personal life as well. Having Linda as my executive coach is definitely improving me and the results are noticeable. So if you have the chance to work with Linda you will not be sorry!!!
As a small entrepreneurial firm, building a strong team culture has always been a critical component in our recruitment process.
We currently have a great team in place and were looking for a way to capture common traits among our team members as well as provide an opportunity for our team to learn about themselves as individuals as well as how we can work better together while recognizing and respecting our various personality traits.
After my initial conversations with Linda, I felt she had a full understanding of where we were as a firm and what we were looking to accomplish. We engaged Linda to administer the ProScan assessment to our team and she facilitated discussions and break out sessions in our office.
The ProScan results were enlightening, however, Linda’s experience as an entrepreneur combined with her background in recruiting provided a deeper insight which was much appreciated. She also provided relatable examples to further our understanding and help us learn about ourselves.
Linda is sharp and witty and clearly has a passion for understanding and helping people. Her enthusiasm is contagious and her humor and ability to speak her mind while making people feel at ease is a gift.
ProScan FAQ
While there are some similarities between the ProScan and other assessments, the ProScan includes information others don’t. The ProScan measures energy, how much natural battery power someone has, and how they use their energy when facing a project or task. Knowing those two pieces provides insight that helps you manage your team is based on your company’s needs and matching it with those on your team.
Perhaps my favorite part is an entire section that measures how an individual is showing up differently than they are naturally and the energy drains that it is causing. No one can perform at their best if they are physically, mentally, spiritually, creatively or emotionally drained.
I’ve seen entire departments, and even companies where everyone’s energy drains were so enormous it was no surprise that teams were not performing well, infighting and morale was low.
In addition to all this, the Proscan discussed one’s communication and leadership style helping everyone understand how they interact with others. It’s another tool to have in your professional development arsenal.
No other assessment provides all this AND is statistically normed on working adults.
Often companies are hiring people that don’t fit their culture or who are looking for something the company doesn’t have to offer, for example, promotional opportunities in the short term. We can use the ProScan to assess your best performers and create a model of their ProScans to use as a hiring tool.
While the ProScan cannot tell you if someone will be a first-rate salesperson, litigator, engineer or anything else, it will give you information on their natural gifts and talents and work style. From this insight, you can, in addition to the interview itself, draw some conclusions about their expected success in a role.
The ProScan includes sections on needs and motivators that you can use to help you manage more effectively, know what people want instead of guessing or assuming.
With the section on communication and leadership style, you can learn how they communicate and begin to see any disconnect between your style and theirs.
Additionally, since the ProScan measures energy drains and satisfaction level it provides a guide to begin a conversation with employees about their career and satisfaction level, so you can make changes if possible.
Absolutely it can help in this area. First, the assessment helps you determine who should or shouldn’t be in a leadership role. This helps you make fewer mistakes moving someone into leadership that isn’t well suited for that role.
Included in the report you receive is information on their learned responses, those areas of development they need to focus on, which assists you with developing them as leaders. You will learn their leadership style and communication style which gives you the information on how they interact with others.
This enables you to combine your observations of their leadership and communication style with scientific data as a means to have them understand how they are coming across to others, and how to mentor and coach them in these areas.
At times companies have the right people and have them miscast in the roles/jobs they are performing. Other times they simply don’t have the right people that fit the culture, have the temperament that is needed or the right mix of skills. Using the ProScan will identify all these situations and more.
At the same time, you’ll be able to assess if the challenge is a leadership challenge versus having the wrong people or in the wrong roles. As part of the process, we can slice and dice the information in any number of ways to show you the data by team, by functional responsibility, by the department, by the leader and so much more. Once you have the facts, you’ll be equipped to determine the root of the problem and focus on a solution.
The ProScan can’t change people (wouldn’t that be nice), but it can provide you information about the people themselves to help you make informed business decisions.
The ProScan can absolutely help in this area. Once you know about a person’s natural work style you can evaluate if they may or may not be best suited in a leadership role.
Often companies that their best technical person (at whatever job they are doing) and promote them into management assuming they will succeed, which is often not the case. The ProScan helps you sort through this decision-making process.
Armed with information about leadership and communication style, needs, motivators and more, you can assess their readiness for leadership, and desire for those roles. Too often employees feel they need to move into management when they would rather continue to be a stellar individual contributor.
And for those already in leadership roles where you are questioning if they should be, the ProScan can help you learn to manage and motivate them more effectively.
They may never be a great manager and you may have to make a decision about their continued role as a manager. However, you can feel secure you did everything you could to bring them along as a leader.

No More Expensive Mistakes in Your Payroll—Hire the Right People and Keep them Working for You
Now you don’t have to hire someone based solely on their resume and references—you can have crystal clear insight into a potential recruit before you even invest a single dime on him.
ProScan® is your guide in the foggy marsh of recruitment, so you can attract the right candidates that will work well with your team and stay with you through thick and thin.
What is the price of an employee who works well with your team? What is the price of desperately trying to coax someone who clearly can’t do the job, to stay because you can’t find his replacement yet?
I know employee attitudes are often inconsistent. One day you’re working with a confident employee who likes to take charge, and the next day, you’ll be working with a wallflower that prefers to let others take the lead.
You don’t need a crystal ball to deal with employee mood swings, ProScan® helps you anticipate these changes in attitude and give you the tools to gently guide them to be more consistent in how they interact with the team.
Companies just like yours are finding solutions to poor hiring, retention of your best and brightest, determining if you have the right people in the right roles and moving poor performers up or out quickly.